I know I know...its been awhile again...
But I'm official done my Dalhousie University Undergrad Career!!! Bach of Arts...HOLLER :-D
Lots of things have changed!!!
Wait...maybe not...
I'm done school ...for now..still trying to get back in school...for Sept 2011!!!
Graduation on May 24th..in just 15 days!!!
I'm still trying to find a summer job...still employed at Dalplex but its a casual job (meaning NO hours ...ever)
It's almost CARNIVAL Season...all the band launches are beginning to show their face..and I'm gettin soooo excited for all of them.
Aug 1st and 2nd marks carnival monday and tuesday...this year in ANU where i'll be...I'm starting the countdown now... 85 days...#justsayin'
OHHHH YEAHhhhhh and it is a special day today....Its MOTHER'S DAY..So happy Mother's day to all the Mother's especially mine, my grandmothers, and all of my aunts!!!
Since it's such a special day..We in the HUDSON/BUNDY/DOWNEY/etc lol Household decided to stay home and everyone make a dish...I made Broccoli Salad we also have chicken, rice, potatoes, fish, ham, bean salad, mac and cheese, i think i'm missing a few things... :-D then for DESSERT we have apple pie and lemon pie!!!
Aight y'all tek care. Remember JaZziibee Love's You!!!
God is Love
One Love

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